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Why buy a plug & play home battery

Jan Van den Eeckhout

Recent surveys taught us a thing or two about what people expect from ModuleOne, our portable, bidirectional plug & play home battery.

The main reasons why people want to buy our plug-in home battery (in order of importance):

  • increase self-consumption of their solar panels

  • reduce energy bills

  • take the portable ModuleOne camping, to the garden, to a BBQ in a local park, to work (to harness access solar power there)

  • reduce their carbon footprint


Increasing self-consumption was to be expected. Yet, we learned about a different application: some people told us they were planning to charge their ModuleOne with excess solar energy at work and take that ‘free’ energy home to use it during peak hours.

Imagine giving your staff a ModuleOne to charge at work to avoid feed-in penalties during peak generation. It's a win-win, right?

No solar

What also became clear, was that most people associate a plug & play home battery with roof solar. While ModuleOne equally works with cheap grid power when there is a lot of renewable energy being generated. It is our mission to make the energy transition accessible to as many households as possible, so that is why our plug-in home battery also works with grid power.


ModuleOne is the ideal plug-and-play solution for people living in apartments or houses without solar panels. Or for renters who cannot or are not allowed to install a classic home battery that necessitates modifications to the wiring. Even if you own your apartment, you’ll still need the permission of all other landlords in your building to make modifications to the electric grid.

Plug and play all around

Plug-in home appliances like plug-in home batteries or plug & play balcony solar panels do not require any modifications to your home wiring, no certification, no electrician, nor a manual full of complicated instructions. It explains their growing popularity.

Their ease of use, low threshold, and many applications have sent sales of plug & play home solutions through the roof.

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